Friday, May 4, 2012

What doctors aren't Telling you

What doctors aren't Telling you
By: David J. Bemis
         Doctors tell us many things but there are some things that they aren’t telling us. People are suing Doctor Anthony Youg M.D and his medical students because Dr. Youg didn’t tell his patient something.
         Picture yourself with a gash across your arm. You go to the hospital and they give you amnesia. The doctors sterilize and clean your wound but the when they are ready to sew you up but a med student comes into the room and for his first time ever he picks up a suture and starts to nervously sew you up. This happens more often than you think but the doctors never tell the patient that a med student will sew you. Many people would refuse if they knew but they never get told. This is only a minor surgery but sometimes a med student will even perform heart or brain surgery on someone without them knowing.
         This has gone on for a very long time without anyone knowing that this happened but when James Daniel woke up in the middle of his arm being sewed up to see a med student there and the doctors on the side telling him what to do. Many people thought this was an outrage when they heard but without med students training on real people how would there be new doctors. Med students can’t always practice on cadavers so this is a vital part of their education. Its better that people don’t know so the med students can get trained while the patient gets healed without any anxiety. Vamsee Padala said this in an interview “ I think that they should tell us before they let an inexperienced med student operate on us”, but Elizabeth Hanna said “ As long as they don’t mess up then I don’t care”. As you can see the response is mixed but in the end this has happened for a very long and will happen in the future so its better that we don’t know. All knowing would do is make us nervous and we don’t need to be nervous.
         When doctors don’t tell us things it is usually to cause less pain then there already is. If someone is going to die the doctor says they still have a chance to live to give hope and cause less fear and anxiety. By letting med students operate on people we are training the new generation of doctors. If there are no new doctors or if doctors are inexperienced then more people will die and get hurt then if they let med students practice on.

Med students

Word count: 436
             Information from

1 comment:

  1. Wow David, you did a great job personalizing this topic. I believe that many people would be okay with a student stitching them up (along with the supervision of a doctor) IF only they were asked first.

    Ms. Clements
