Friday, May 4, 2012

Terror All Over

             By:  Bailey Profitt  Period 3
    On Monday a group of five men were arrested for the attempt at blowing up a Ohio bridge. This incident proves that it isn’t only Islamic citizens that are threatening towns or cities. So, the attempted bridge blowup is a critical lesson for America and other countries. Terorist attacks can happen anywhere, even in your hometown.
    Since 9/11 people have worried about threats like this, but not from their own country. Threats like this certainly catch the attention of a country who might still be grieving over the 9/11 attack.
    The Monday attepted attack raised some disturbing questions on how dangerous some anarchists are and what they might do. People are scared to think that there is an actual threat like this so close to them.
    In the 1960’s to 1970’s the US witnessed several bombings from social revolutionary groups and Puerto Rican nationalists. There have been many instances of non-jihadist terror in the U.S. So, America has gone through bombings not organized by jihadist terror groups.
    Eco-terrorists and animal rights activists have had their share of bombings and attacks in the United States, especially in the last decade. While these groups aim to avoid civilian deaths, accidents can happen and produce sobering acts of violence.
    Army Major Nadil Malik Hasan's 2009 Fort Hood attack and a lesser known shooting, also in 2009, outside a Little Rock army recruiting center that harmed two soldiers. The perpetrators of all 18 homegrown plots had been known to law enforcement before their attempted attacks, with the exception of the May 2010 Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad, whose own failings as a bomb-maker, despite his overseas training, underscore the challenges of successfully executing attacks in the contemporary United States.
    American Citizens and officials have to realize, there are homegrown threats lurking around that are not caused by jihadist groups or any other Islamic groups.

Original article was found on
Word Count:  335

1 comment:

  1. Bailey, this is a very well written, equalizing, article! Bravo!!! I want to remind you to use quotes when ideas are very similar to the original author's (even if the wording is not exactly the same).

    Ms. Clements
