Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cow Farts to Blame????

Cow Farts to Blame.....

By:Briana Keo-Williams

This picture is from
      You all know that CO2, fossil fuels, and methane gas are contributions to global warming and vehicles cause 60% of America’s air pollution but it’s not only the normal stuff causing global warming but cow’s farts and burps too. Imagine being a cow and the worlds mad at you because your farts are causing 30% of America’s contribution to global warming!!!!! Farting is caused by when you swallow air as you talk and eat. Once the air is “digested” it isn’t useful so the body just pushes it out making farts and burps. How does this related to global warming? As most of you know farts and burps contain a gas called methane which is harmful to the ozone is a large amount. Methane falls into the greenhouse gases category.
          A scientific study in California has proven that a dairy cow produces an average of 20 pounds of gas per year. “People should just cut down on their beef intake. Plus you can feed more people with crops then you can with cows” Mallory Hoffbeck. “Well they graze the grass and give us fertilizer, dairy product and meats. Global Warming is mainly caused by us so why should they be to blame. Even though they produce methane they give us everyday products that we consume.” Kristina Mokalla. Scientists haven’t been able to calculate the amount of the amount of methane in farts but they do believe it has an impact on the environment ,for all we know it could be entirely our fault.

Word count: 256

1 comment:

  1. Briana, this is the funniest demonizing article I have ever read. Be sure to have someone proof read your article before you post it. There are some major conventions errors that are distracting to readers.

    Ms. Clements
