Friday, May 4, 2012

School Budget cuts
Most of the people here have heard about the budget cuts
but don't  know how it's going to affect them

Boys or Girls
Who knows more?
By Jaume Martinez Calvo

        Budget cuts are not only important to the teachers but to the students too. The students will get moved and there will be about three more students in every class, therefore the student education will go down. But are the students worried or not? Some do some don't, and most of the people that do know, don't care.Both Ms.Clements and Mrs.Dietrech had heard about the budget cuts from the students and had had some questions like, “are there going to be neighborhoods and are people going to be moved”

        Some people think girls know more about this than boys we asked them why.  AJ Hart Said "girls know more because boys are only interested about sports and girls. But girls are more sensitive and more into things and more caring and stuff". Aj clearly stated that girls would probably know more about the budget cuts. But as Mrs.Dietrech stated “ it depends individually” . Ms.Clements also said it depends on “what the students want to know”.
     Why do girls know more? Mostly because they are more interactive than boys and that they are “more into things” as AJ Hart stated. Ryan Kister also stated that girls know more because “guys don’t care about this stuff but girls do”. So do girls know more? Truth is yes, most girls care about their education more than most guys. 

Word count: 267

1 comment:

  1. Jaume, this would be an interesting study to conduct if there could be some science to back up the information. It is a personal take on an issue that concerns many.

    Ms. Clements
